My Dearest, Most Beloved Elisa
Jesus was with her even through the toughest years. He fought for her, when she fought againt Him.
I will never forget the moment your soul became a tiny body inside your mother’s womb. I couldn’t wait for you to get older and get to know me for myself, my little Sunshine!
I loved watching you grow! The sense of adventure and fun that I gave you flourished, but when you accepted me into your little heart at age six, I was undone Precious One!
You loved the adventure in Norway as a little girl, and I was delighted to see how you cherished my creation. I laughed with you as you ran through the woods with wild abandon, leaping over every stick and creek with enthusiasm. But, upon your returning to the States at age twelve, the enemy began to attack your heart and mind in ways you’d never experienced before.
I wept for freedom
My heart suffered more than you could ever imagine, Little One, as I saw you start believing His lies of self-hatred and suffering. I saw you begin to stop eating, cutting your own body, even the thoughts of taking your own life and I cried out for you to let me come in and bring you freedom!
Every tear you cried was matched with my own Beloved! Over the next eight years I put other warriors in your life to fight alongside you, and you began to break off the lies with the Truth of my Love and I began to see my little Sunshine return to me!
You pushed me away
But then college began and you began to try and find the satisfaction of my Love in counterfeits. I was so jealous for your affections as you began to seek your validation and fulfillment in the words and actions of young men around you.
The fires of my love longed to be first in your life, but I wept with you as I saw your heart shatter at age twenty two. The only thing that I wanted to do, Sweetheart, was to hold you, to comfort you during this time, but you wouldn’t let me in and shoved me away.
In your anger and hurt your precious heart became hard and I saw you take your bitterness out by wounding others the same way you’d been broken.
Crystal clear love
And then in Savannah, Georgia you saw my love clearly for the first time and poured out your entire heart at my feet. I picked you up, precious daughter, and wiping the tears from your eyes I clothed you in new garments of white!
My heart has always has been and always will be yours Beloved! My love has transformed your heart, mind, and spirit my little Sunshine! I know you will never be the same, and I love how you love me! Now that you’ve gotten a glimpse of my heart and glory you will never want anything less than its fullness!
I love you Dear Heart, I love you my little Sunshine! And I am so proud of you!
Your Beloved,